The official mission of the Dual Language School is for students to:
become bilingual and biliterate in English and in Spanish, demonstrating high levels of academic achievement in both languages
develop a strong appreciation for multiculturalism
be culturally competent, curious learners
In 2022-2023, the Dual Language school has 212 students in grades K through 5.
Our racial and ethnic breakdown is 71% Latino, 21% White, 4% Multiracial, and 4% African American. 83% of our students' families report that English was not the student’s first language and 45% are English Language Learners.
Among the 212 students there are 30 families with more than one child at Dual Language,with one family having with 3 children in the K-5 school. That means 61 students or 30% of our student population has a family member in the school! ​